As of April 19th
Just like the country song – The Gates at Lake Fork Reservior are doing the old “Up Down, Up Down”. Drawing the silt out of the creeks and off the points, the gates at the dam have gotten a real workout lately. We are hearing the same old thing being repeated over and over again: “Hit them in the Head” and ” Work it Slow”. The Crawfish that was crawling around the ground after the rain yesterday was very dark and from deep Brick Red to Gray/Brown/Red. I would think that the darker baits will work this morning, them switch over to White tails as the day goes on. Should be slightly windy but sunny. Cold in the morning but layer so you can enjoy the warmer afternoom. Good Luck!

As of March 12th:
With last weeks cold front and rain storms the water temp , which was on it’s way up, took a steep dive. Shoreline and Shallow water fishing was “Poor” until Saturday after dark when activity picked up.
Looks like, with warm weather predicted for three straight days this week, by Thursday Night you should be hearing the familiar sound of the North American Angler – “Fish On!”