“Old Settler’s Reunion” – Usually in August. Meet all the Families who’s names are on little towns in East Texas. Located at Gov. Jim Hogg Park in Quitman, TX just 7 minutes South from your cabin. Carnival Rides, traditional Live Music, Treats & Eats, and all the old-timer stories you can stand. The real story of how the West was won. –
According to a 1899 news article, ““The first meeting of the old settlers of Wood County, and their representatives, was held in the town of Quitman, Wednesday, August 2, 1899…”. Since then, the Old Settlers Reunion has been held annually on the first Weekend in August at Jim Hogg Park in Quitman, Texas and runs Wednesday through Saturday.
Although the Old Settler’s Reunion began over 100 years ago when locals arrived by horse and buggy, today the event is a much more modern affair with carnival rides, games, vendors and food, with each night offering free entertainment under the pavilion. The midway, which opens at 630pm, is just 50 cents per person and events under the pavilion (starting each night at 7pm) are free. You can even catch a game of bingo courtesy of the Quitman-Lake Fork Kiwanis Club. Additionally, each night the Wood County Old Settlers Reunion Association recognizes the oldest, youngest settlers, as well as the longest hitched, newly hitched and weariest travelers. Winners are awarded cash prizes. A great week of fun to celebrate and start your family tradition by attending the Wood County Old Settlers Reunion in Quitman!
“East Texas Yamboree” – Always the 3rd week in October. ~30 miles East of us.- The East Texas Yamboree is one of the longest running festivals in Texas with well over one hundred thousand people attending every year. What makes the Yamboree special to so many people? Many would say it’s the great carnival that we make sure to expand every year with many exciting new rides and attractions. Others have said that its the wonderful Queen’s Coronation Pageant with all its beautiful and talented young ladies and the spectacle that they bring to our stage. Then we have the Livestock Show and Sale where one gets to enjoy seeing the animals and shop projects that our youth have worked so hard on for sale. Others love the barn dance where we get to see the rising young stars of country music and dance the night away. Let’s not forget the the school and the grand spectacle of the Queen’s Parade, gospel singing, the outside exhibits where people come to sell all types of wares. Then we have the art and photography shows, the food (that’s one of my favorites), high school football, spending time with family and old friends plus myriad other activities taking place over this special weekend in October. All of these things and more make the East Texas Yamboree an event that people come from all over the world to enjoy every year. So come and see for yourself what makes the Yamboree special to so many of us; you won’t be disappointed. For More Information contact:
Gilmer Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 854
106 Buffalo St.
Gilmer, TX 75644